jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Describing "my favourite picture"

We need some of your favourite pictures to describe your "life picture".

What are you doing in the photo?
What people are there?
What other things are there?
What are your favourite places and pictures?

* Colours and personality
*Places and interests

Don´t forget your pictures!!!!

This is mine. What about yours?


lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Felix Baumgartner's jump from space's edge watched by millions


Millions watched him as he shattered the sound barrier and then landed safely about nine minutes later, becoming the world's first supersonic skydiver.
Baumgartner said after the jump: "The only thing you want is to come back alive."
Landing on his feet in the desert, the man lifted his arms in victory to the cheers of jubilant friends and spectators. Among them was his mother, Eva Baumgartner, who was overcome with emotion, crying.
Baumgartner has said he plans to settle down with his girlfriend.


sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Nobel.- El chino Mo Yan gana el Premio Nobel de Literatura 2012

Nobel.- El chino Mo Yan gana el Premio Nobel de Literatura 2012
Mo Yan

Mo Yan idazle txinatarrak irabazi du 2012ko Literatura Nobel Saria, gaur bertan Suediako Akademiak jakitera eman duenez.


Guǎn Móyè (谟业)
(1955-02-17) February 17, 1955 (age 57)
Gaomi, Shandong, China
Pen name
Mo Yan
Novelist, teacher
Notable work(s)
Red Sorghum, The Republique of Wine, Life and Death are wearing me out.
Notable award(s)
Nobel Prize in Literature, 2012

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

25+1 Goya


Aurtengo zinemaldia amaitu bada ere, urrian aukera bikaina izan dugu Kursaal aretoa ikusi eta erakusketa bikain batera joateko, Goya saria irabazi duten filmen erakusketa, hain zuzen.

Eguraldi bikaina izan dugu eta txango polita egin dugu.

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012


Read the text and look at the picture!!

Would you like to be there?

Oct 4, 2012 - Limited

Elia Locardi originally shared this post:

Venetian Blues || One Last Day In Venice

Today it is my last day in Italy and even though I’m sad to leave, I’m happy to get one more day to explore the fascinating city of Venice. With each visit, I learn more and more about the culture, the history, and the world class architecture.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012


martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Donostiako postaletatik eta historiatik borratu nahi izan den harrizko munstroa

Marea bizietan, itsasoak kartzelakoak izandako harriak bistara ateratzen ditu Ondarretako hondartzan, inork ahaztu ez dezan paraje eder horretan kartzela ikaragarri bat egon zela 1890. eta 1948. urteen artean.
Donostiako Udalak eta Aranzadi Zientzia Elkarteak erakusketa bat prestatu dute, ez dutelako hondarrez tapatu nahi hainbeste sufrimendu sortu duten murruen historia.