viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011


Datorren hilean Aieteko jauregira egingo dugun bisita prestatzen hasteko, hemen duzue Anne Franken aitari egin zioten elkarrizketa.

Anneren aita Otto Franki 1976an telebistan egin zioten elkarrizketa da. 1980an hil zen.

Gainera beste lotura interesgarri bat duzue hemen:

Bideoaren ulermena lantzeko galderak 
This is the first time Anne´s diary can be seen by anyone outside the Frank family.
(We are very grateful ... welcome and thank you very much Mr. Frank).
This is one volume of the diary. How many volumes were there?........
How many pages did she write? .....................................
What were the first words she wrote in the diary?.............................
Which language was the diary written in?.........................................
When did she start writing the diary?................................................
Why did Otto decide to publish the diary?.....................................
Does he receive letters from the readers?.................How many?....
What was Anne like? Was she optimistic?.........................................
Did her father read the diary when she was writing it?......................
Did he know that she was writing a diary?.................................................
What about the “Foundation”? What is its purpose?.................................
Is the diary good for its readers?.................................................................

1 comentario:

  1. Galderak irakurri ondoren, bideoa ikusi. Audioa ez da oso ona, aspaldikoa delako, baina dokumentua balio handikoa da.
    Galderak ingeleseko klasean erantzun ditzakezue Itziarrekin.
    Galdera gehienak "egunkariaren ingurukoak dira", horrela gehiago jakingo dugu gaiaren inguruan, martxoaren 4an erakusketara joaterako.
