lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

What can you say about your town?

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi everyone!
    In Hernani there is a popular festival in June; San Juan.
    On the 23rd of June they light a very big fire in the square and the people jump over it.
    Dont´¨t miss it!!!
    Mikel Perez Yurramendi

  2. kaixo aintzane barkatu bainon ez dut ezer ulertzen , sentitzet! Araantxa Airaaa Goomeeez :)

    1. Arantxa;
      Lortu duzu mezua bidaltzea, behintzat!
      Irakurri Mikelen mezua eta zure herriko deskribapen labur bat egin behar duzu, berak egin duen bezala.
      Hurrengo klasean ikusiko duzu.
      Ongi izan

  3. MY CITY
    hi everyone,
    Look at it!this is my town!We have a nice swimming-pool,we go every summer there and have a big fun!

  4. my text is de same as Mikel´s. Sorry!!

  5. Hi everyone!

    You can see here my town.
    My town is Hernani,it's a beautiful place.In this pictures you can see it's old square.The picture is very old,it's an XVIII. century view.

    I love this town!
