jueves, 10 de enero de 2013



    Making an OMELET

  1. Break the eggs.     
  2. Crack your eggs (one at a time) in a bowl.
  3. Put them into a glass or plastic bowl.
  4. After breaking the eggs, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent salmonella poisoning.
  5. Beat the eggs until they are completely mixed (the yolks and the whites). Use a fork, or wire whisk to mix/beat your eggs..
  6. At this stage you can add salt.
  7. Pour about a tablespoon of butter (or oil) onto the pan.
  8. Put the heat on low to medium heat, and pour on the eggs, spreading them evenly with a spatula.
  9. Pay special attention that the eggs are not sticking to the bottom of the pan, and use your flipper or spatula around the edges of the omelet to make sure that it is not sticking.
  10. Gently roll the sides of your omelet, about an inch or two.Then roll or fold the ends of the omelet.


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